Ty Waltinger


Ty Waltinger is a freelance Austrian artist. Since the early 1990s he has been engaged in artistic and scientific research into historical colour pigments. Among other things, Waltinger now has one of the most extensive collections of valuable and rare mineral pigments. From research and his collection of “natural pigments” he has developed several series of works which he calls “Cryo-Paintings”, “Pigments in Ice”, “Hydro-Paintings”, “Natural Frescoes” or “Time Frescoes”.

These “procedural works”, which are created in close cooperation with nature, the climate, the temperature, etc are timeless and powerful metaphors for becoming and passing away.

Together with the artist, a colour space was set up in the large hall of the Kunsthalle Ziegelhütte in Appenzell, which uses a concentrated selection of works to present important content and formal aspects of the “Climate Paintings” – and at the same time gives a unique insight into the mystery of the worlds of colour.

Where: Kunstmuseum Appenzell
When: until 19.09.2021